About Us


Our mission is to translate scientific advancements in understanding the role of cellular senescence into an accessible dietary program that can potentially increase one’s healthspan by addressing the underlying cause of age-related chronic disease. 

Our commitment extends to ongoing clinical research demonstrating the ability of our dietary technology to be the foundation for an entirely new approach to extending healthspan in the 21st century.

Our Senotec Team

We are developing new dietary technologies to extend healthspan by controlling the hormonal and epigenetic responses of the body’s internal Resolution Response.  The result is the reprogramming of your immune system to remove senescence cells that accelerate the development of the age-related chronic disease that shorten your healthspan. 


Senotec Labs was founded by Dr. Barry Sears.  Dr. Sears started the field of anti-inflammatory nutrition in 1995 with the publication of his first book, The Zone, a #1 New York Times best-seller.  His dietary technology has continued to evolve over the years into Metabolic Engineering™, to reprogram the immune system to remove senescent cells that  accelerate the aging process which decreases your healthspan.

Dr. Sears is a highly regarded research scientist who has authored more than 50 scientific publications. In addition, he has written 18 books and has been issued 15 U.S. patents in areas ranging from cancer drug delivery, the treatment of cardiovascular disease, and invention of the lipids used to produce current mRNA vaccines for treating Covid-19.

Dr. Joe Maroon-Chief Medical Officer

Dr. Maroon is a clinical professor and vice chairman of the Department of Neurological Surgery and the Heindl Scholar in Neuroscience at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. In addition to being a renowned neurosurgeon, he has expertise in nutrition and its application in sports medicine, as well as being an Ironman triathlete.  He has more than 290 scientific publications.

DR. ASISH SAHA-Chief Scientific Director

Dr. Saha is one of the leading authorities in AMPK clinical research.  He was previously an Associate Professor at the Boston University School of Medicine and has more than 100 scientific publications.


Mary Perry serves as the Director of Clinical Trials at Dr. Sears’ non-profit Inflammation Research Foundation and coordinates all clinical trials with Dr. Sears at the foundation.

Senotec Advisory Board


Charles SerhanCharles Serhan is one of the world’s leaders in eicosanoid biochemistry and discovered the role of resolvins in the resolution of inflammation. He is the Simon Gelman Professor of Anesthesia at the Harvard Medical School and director of the Center of Experimental Therapeutics and Reperfusion Injury at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital. In 2017, he received the International Eicosanoid Research Foundation’s Lifetime Achievement Award. He has authored more than 500 scientific publications, written five books, and has been awarded more than 200 patents.


Camillo Ricordi is one of the world’s leaders in cell transplantation for the treatment of diabetes. He is the Stacy Joy Goodman Professor of Surgery, distinguished professor of medicine, professor of biomedical engineering, and microbiology and immunology, and serves as scientific director and chief academic officer of the University of Miami Diabetes Research Institute.  In 2019 he was appointed as member of Italy’s Supreme Council of Health.  He has authored more than 700 scientific publications and has been awarded 11 patents.


Carol Johnson headshotCarol Johnston is a professor of Nutrition at Arizona State University and director of the Nutrition Program.  She is a leading expert in functional foods.  She received the Grace Goldsmith Award for significant achievements in the field of nutrition by a scientist under the age of 50 years sponsored by the American College of Nutrition in 2004 and the Mark Bieber Professional Award sponsored by the American College of Nutrition for academic accomplishments in 2008. Her research areas include vitamin C and dietary interventions in obesity and diabetes. She has more than 100 scientific publications.


Julian Bailes, MD headshotJulian Bailes is the Bennett-Tarkington Chairman of the Department of Neurosurgery and Co-Director of the NorthShore Neurological Institute. He is also a Clinical Professor of Neurosurgery, University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine. He considered one of the leaders in the world in traumatic brain injuries and is a recognized leader in the field of neurosurgery and both the short and long-term impact of brain injury on cognitive function. He has over 125 scientific publications concerning various aspects of neurological surgery, including three books on neurological sports medicine.