Inflammation and Cellular Senescence

Inflammation and Cellular Senescence

Understanding Inflammation and Resolution:  An Overview

These three lectures provide a more in-depth understanding of the dietary interactions that control the internal Resolution Response that is critical for the healing of inflammatory damage.

These lectures were first given at the Bionourisso Hormonal Control conference in 2021.

Understanding Inflammation and Resolution:  The Anti-inflammatory Zone Diet

These three lectures provide a more in-depth understanding of the dietary interactions that control the internal Resolution Response that is critical for the healing of inflammatory damage.

These lectures were first given at the Bionourisso Hormonal Control conference in 2021.

Understanding Inflammation and Resolution:  An OverviewUnderstanding Inflammation and Resolution:  Pro-Resolution Supplements

These three lectures provide a more in-depth understanding of the dietary interactions that control the internal Resolution Response that is critical for the healing of inflammatory damage.

These lectures were first given at the Bionourisso Hormonal Control conference in 2021.

Diabetes and Omega-3 Fatty Acids

This lecture describes the role of omega-3 fatty acids in the treatment of type 1 diabetes.  It was first given at the Argentina Orthomolecular Society in 2021

The Role of Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Covid-19

This lecture describes the role of omega-3 fatty acids in reducing cytokine storms induced by Covid-19.  It was first given to the Bulgarian Cardiovascular Society in 2021.

Dietary Management of Auto-Immune Disease

This lecture describes the use the Zone Pro-Resolution Nutrition system to treat auto-immune diseases.  It was first given to the Argentina Orthomolecular Society in 2021

Extending Healthspan by Reprogramming the Immune System

This lecture describes the ability of the Zone Pro-Resolution Nutrition system to reprogram the immune system by activation of AMPK.  This lecture was first given to the Argentina Orthomolecular Society in 2021.

The Resolution Response:  Enhancing the Anti-inflammatory Actions of Testosterone

This lecture describes the synergistic ability of the optimization of the Resolution Response to enhance the anti-inflammatory actions of testosterone.  It was first given to the Bionourisso Hormonal Control conference in 2021.

Resolution of Skin Aging by Reducing Dermal Cellular Senescence

This lecture describes the ability of the activation of the Resolution Response to reduce skin aging by reversal of cellular senescence in the skin.  It was first presented at International Society of Japanese Cosmetic Therapy in 2021.